…some photos.
They wound is very minor, but the pictures are a bit on the gross side, so I’m not using thumbnails.
First, here’s how it looks professionally dressed by the hospital staff: hospital_dessing.jpg
The first closeup, while a little blurry (I suck with the one-handed macro lens), clearly shows the depth of the cut, right through the thumb, and through the nail: thumb1.jpg
The second closeup is even blurrier, but shows you the dead tissue flap that is sewed on until the flesh is sloughed off:thumb2.jpg
The third blurry closeup shows the stitching of the tissue flap onto the live part of the digit. Check out that rightmost stitch–it’s sewn really far down compared to the cut: thumb3.jpg
The last closeup is from the back again, showing the loose ends of the stitching–a tailor would be ashamed: thumb4.jpg
And, of course, the tool of destruction–not normally dangerous unless you are both clumsy and possessed of mighty strength: implementofdestruction.jpg
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