A pick me up

I’m back in Boston for week three of “Don’t-see-my-family-April”, and today work got me incredibly down.

However, as it is (or, as midnight just clicked over, was) International Pixel-Stained Peasant Day, I have lots of free fun stuff to read and cheer me tonight.


If you don’t know what I’m talking about you need to first see this, then read a couple of responses (like this, this, or this), and then see how it lead to this.

For those of you not clicking through the links, what it amounts to is a whole bunch of tech-hip authors posting (or linking to) their writing on the web for free.

You can hear three outspoken author types chat about this in an MP3 capture of a panel discussion here.

There’s a list of some of them, but not all of them, here. Or you can peruse the thing that arose here (what’s the term for a mutli-user flashmob blog?) for lots more links.

Here are some that I would recommend, in no particular order:

I’m sure there’s lots more good stuff I haven’t seen yet, but it was quite a welcome flood today, that’s for sure.

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This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.