Day: April 25, 2007

Are the spammers finally giving up?

This site has gone from over 30,000 spam attempts a week to around 2,000 over the last month. The number that get through my multi-tier blocking system hasn’t changed–it’s still more-or-less zero–but I am wondering why the sudden drop. I’m not complaining, mind. I’m just worried that this pause signals a new wave about to start any minute now. Read more →

An old wine softens old regrets

I mentioned in an earlier post that I had been delighted to find a whole bunch of Santayana stuff at, including a poetry collection I was unfamiliar with. Well, while in Boston, I’ve been using stolen moments to work my way through that collection. I haven’t made much headway with the initial sections–there’s a two-part 80-pager there that will… Read more →

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada
This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.