Month: July 2007

Mixing It Up 4: “Love Songs”

Those scare quotes are important. Most straight up, earnest love songs bore me–unless they feature a lot of use of the word “baby” in which case they positively repell me. These songs are all songs about love, of one kind or another, but they are not what you would call “love songs”. (If you’re wondering why that image for this… Read more →

Mixing It Up 2: Late Night Giddy

So, for the second disc, the idea was to gather together some upbeat and amusing songs; songs to keep you feeling a bit silly during long night drives. Maybe songs to keep your spirits up when cold rain is falling on you in the dark. As with all these mixes, these are only a subset of the songs I have… Read more →

Mixing It Up 1: Immortal Tunes

“I believe that when you’re making a mix tape or CD, you’re making history. You ransack the vaults, you haul off all the junk you can carry, and you rewire all your ill-gotten loot into something new. You go through an artist’s entire career, zero in on that one moment that makes you want to jump and dance and smoke… Read more →

Mixing It Up 0: The Introduction

Since I’ve been insanely busy with work the last couple of weeks, and I don’t see it clearing up in the immediate future, I’m going to resort to a little easy posting. Let me explain… Two of the girls (do I have to call them women now?) who work at my excellent local comic shop are members of an all-girl… Read more →

Roman Catholic Church Traveling Backwards In Time

So, did you see the things emanating from the new Pope this week? Wednesday he officially declared that there is no such thing as a Protestant “church”, and that at best Protestants can be “ecclesial communities”. Apparently this is based on his analysis that “because of the absence of the sacramental priesthood”, Protestant organizations had not “preserved the genuine and… Read more →


“I pretty much started believing they’ll try anything they can get away with once it was confirmed that they really have instituted a series of secret prisons around the world and that they reserve the right to kidnap anyone on the planet, hold them forever without trial, and torture them to death.” Read more →

A really fun way to waste some time.

Have you seen the Skeptic’s Dictionary site? It bills itself as “A Collection of Strange Beliefs, Amusing Deceptions, and Dangerous Delusions”, but I think it should really be labeled with a warning about the potential for losing quite a bit of time browsing around the amusing entries. The entry on true-believer syndrome may shed some light on those people who… Read more →

An Interesting Meme

I mostly avoid these, but I seem to have a weakness for the questions Jonathan Carroll asks, as with at least one lengthy previous post, and these ones that got to me today. 1. Describe three meals from your past (preferably breakfast, lunch and dinner) that you would like to have again and why. For me this has to be… Read more →

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada
This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.