Well, we did the whole checklist of simple preparations today, so hopefully the Umbrella Theory will kick in and the storm won’t cause any serious effects. Although I will honestly be severely shocked if we don’t lose power–even though the storm appears to have shifted slightly westward, meaning we might only get 100km/h winds (what the locals would refer to as “a stiff off-shore breeze”) rather than the 165km/h ones (“a real blow”) that had been predicted.
- Move deck furniture into sheltered corner, where nothing can move unless everything moves
- Move lawn furniture into sheltered corner under deck
- Fill bathtub with water for flushing, should power outage happen (being on a well means you need power to have water)
- Fill barbecue tank so that we can cook if power goes out
- Grocery store visit to get lots of fruit, canned goods, etc, and nothing that requires fridge or freezer. Also get some bottled water.
- Plug in the battery powered inverter (thanks Ralph!)
- Check that we still have lots of candles (we do)
- Find flashlights and check battery status (LED flashlights last forever!)
- Make sure laundry is all done and dishwasher run in case we lose power
9PM and we still have power.
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