Blog Fluff, Part 4

This one via Gwenda

1. Have you ever killed a man? Only in my heart
2. With your own hands? No. And if I were to, it wouldn’t be.
3. What, in your opinion, is the best way to transport contraband across state and country lines? In a middle class car. With a child seat.
4. Even if you’re transporting explosives? Yes
5. Really? Sure. I do this a lot for certain not-so-scary values of “contraband”
6. Have you ever stolen a library book? Yes
7. On purpose, or only because you found it under your bed years after you reported it lost and paid the fine? On purpose. In fact I am looking at four such books right now, from where I am sitting. (I do feel guilty about this, btw. What can I say–I was a kid.)
8. Where were you on November 1, 2007? Home (although I was in Boston on the 4th).
9. Can you prove it? I can produce witnesses and Internet logs.
10. You had to think about that, didn’t you? Yes. I had to see when the early November Boston trip had been.
11. How much is it worth to you for me to pretend I didn’t notice? I can’t remember what I did this morning–I’m not worried about anyone finding out I can’t remember what I was doing six months ago.
12. Have you spent years building up an immunity to iocane powder? (And if you know a faster method, will you share it?) Yes. Just in case I ever get a chance to be the next Dread Pirate Roberts. There is no faster method. Unless you are James Coburn.
13. Name three different ways to start a fire. Match, friction, my nigh-infinite scorn.
14. Now try to convince me you only know that because you were a Girl/Boy Scout/Guide once. Actually, I think it’s “common knowledge”, “engineering”, and “raw arrogance” respectively more than it’s my time as a Scout
15. How many digits of pi can you recite from memory? Seven after the decimal
16. Did you have to count out the digits on your fingers to answer that? Yes
17. Did you check online to make sure you remembered right before answering? No, but I will check before I post this.
18. Does all this talk about numbers make you uncomfortable? No. I like numbers. I am both literate and numerate. And hell, I’m good with variables as well. Even Greek ones, despite my tendency to pronounce “rho” as “pee” and “omega” as “double you”.
19. Or are you just wondering what it has to do with the rest of the meme? Honestly not. It’s yet another geek indicator, right?
20. Seriously, where did you bury the body? I’m not copping to anything, but let’s just say there’s a lot you can do with 12 molar hydrochloric acid, and that’s not the strongest thing you can get commercially.
21. Where were you on March 16, 2036? I was at the Organarium, getting that NeoLivER in preparation for St. Patrick’ Day. The procedure took less than an hour, but they were running late, so I spent most of the afternoon there.
22. If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you jump, too? The odds are good that either I jumped first (likely, since my friends wouldn’t jump without a reason that would apply to me too), or there’s no way I’m jumping.
23. What is the ninja replacement score for your life? For the summary version of my life it’s close to zero. For the long and detailed version it’s very, very high. There are a lot of secondary and tertiary characters in my life and many of my anecdotes would be improved had some of them been ninja. All the weekdays of last week would have been startlingly improved by ninja insertion, for example. Other things recently have been pretty great, but could still be improved by ninja: I’d love to have seen Ian Telfer use fiddle-fu to stop a ninja attack in the middle of that Oysterband concert, for example.

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This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.