Also officially on The List: The Salvation Army. (Note to self–remember this for the next time someone starts off on “faith-based initiatives” and public funding.)
Month: December 2008
Book==Great, Publication==Confusing.
A few years back I made this statement on the blog: I have read everything Graham Joyce has ever published, and none of them have been less than excellent. Well, in the intervening years, a few more books have been published, but the statement remains true. In fact, if anything it’s more true for the book I just read… although… Read more →
Today’s recursion giggle: a concept map of concept maps.
While our family has several Christmas traditions, and these are very meaningful to me, there is also one Christmas tradition that is mine alone, and it brings me a great amount of pleasure. Every year, early in December, the people from Scrumptious Delights have a booth in Halifax as part of one of the Christmas craft shows. Every year, I visit them and buy one of their “Victorian Dark” Christmas cakes. It comes wrapped in a brandy-soaked cheesecloth, then cling wrap, then foil, then a lovely plastic packaging. I ration it out over as many days as I can–usually about five. If you dislike a good fruitcake, that’s fine with me–more for me. If you think fruitcake is a joke, then you have just never had one this good. I just had my second piece. So very, very good. I am leaving out one embarrassing part of this story.
Yes, I Am Enjoying This
A couple of times on the weekend I contemplated writing something about the proposed coalition. I’m kind of glad I didn’t, since things have moved at a much more rapid pace than I would have guessed possible. And besides, as usual, Patrick sums it up better than I could have. (As a bonus, the bit about Americans laughing derisively at… Read more →
I must be getting old
…because when I read an article with a throughline that’s essentially “Students lie, cheat, and steal a lot more than they used to, and still think they are good people, but it’s OK because there’s so much more stress on them, and anyway it’s not their fault but rather society’s” my reaction is essentially “Oh, phui!”. Everyone thinks they have… Read more →
Persistent Remnants
So, irony–I spent ten consecutive days in all day meetings in Boston, and what are the things that are the important concrete results of the trip for me (as opposed to my employers)? A signed book, and a signed CD. Important persistent result number one, is this: Amanda, as she apparently always does, stayed after the show to sign things.… Read more →