I’ve been mostly keeping my nose out of the US debate–I don’t understand the debate, since I look on a certain level of access to quality health care as a right of all me–but I do want to point out the comments of John Gary Maxwell, a 40 year veteran surgeon.
You should read the whole piece, but here’s a couple of choice quotes:
If “spreading the wealth” is socialization, our system is already socialized, with the “haves” paying for the “have-nots” by a tax on the wealthier group. This explains a $15 aspirin, $10,000 to $15,000 antibiotic bills, and bills for heart surgery of $250,000 or more.
We resist “socialized medicine” from the federal government while oblivious that we have embraced socialized medicine delivered -after profits – by the insurance industry.
Rationing of medical care in a non-profit system should be based on society defining what services should be provided, not on restricting care on the basis of income, as in a profit based system.
Unless personal selfishness can be refocused to the common good, health care in the United States will remain with irrational rationing and inappropriate and financially unsustainable socialization by insurance, drug and medical supply industries
The other aspect of the debate I can’t believe is how the “socialist” label is used as a mindless scare tactic. I mean, as a good Canadian I don’t see what’s wrong with socialism anyway, but there’s something particularly hypocritical in the apparent American attitude towards the notion of socialism…
Matt Wuerker
Politico.com Nov 12, 2009 |