Evolution textbooks row goes to court OK, seriously, this debate was a joke to civilized people in the 1920s. What the hell is it in the year 2004? And for a little extra scare think about this paragraph in light of the election results: In 1987, the supreme court ruled that creationism was a religious belief that could not be… Read more →
Category: Political
William S. Lind: Fallujah and the Moral Level of War
William S. Lind: Fallujah and the Moral Level of War I wish everyone was forced to read this. Really the worst thing about war propoganda is the hypocrisy. What is sauce for the goose is also sauce for the turkey. Obvious double standards put us on the moral low ground. The rest of the world can see the hypocrisy, even… Read more →
Pullman comes right out and says it
I’ve always been amazed that Pullman’s Dark Materials books sell in the children’s section without more hue and cry from the Jesus brigades. Very glad, but quite surprised. SPOILERS IN FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH I love the idea of a whole generation of readers growing up on books where the kids save the world by having sex and killing God. Or, more… Read more →
US Dollar Falls…
One of the few upsides that I can find at a very selfish level in the Bush win is that as Bush’s fiscal insanity continues to destroy the US economy (while he pretends to be a “fiscal conservative”) the rest of the world is noticing and consequently the US dollar is dropping. Even though I work for an American company,… Read more →
What it really looks like
(This, of course, does not include all the spoiled and systematically ruined ballots, but only the “official” counts.) Read more →
Mourning Armbands
I have spent the entire day in a cycle of rage and despair. That is all. Read more →
A few more election links
If you’re reading this you probably should also read (or already have read) Hunter Thompson’s take on the election and George Soros’ last minute comments/plea. Both are messages that the American people need to understand. How sad is it that Thompson’s gonzo delivery will have more success at reaching people than Soros’ calm, well thought-out piece. Read more →
Good election news
In the midst of all my Bush-hating, and worry about this election (and I know many other Canadians who are literally giving themselves ulcers over this–I can’t imagine how progressives in the US have any stomach left at all) it’s nice to get some good news. This is from a report (yanked from an email sent in to Josh at… Read more →
I see this as a pro-Kerry ad.
The sad fact is that apparently around 50% of Americans feel this way without any irony. Read more →
Guantanamo Stonewall
So look, it’s no secret what I think about the forthcoming election and the Bush administration in general. Of all the horrible things they have done, perhaps the worst is their complete disrespect for the notions of the rule of law and the rights of individuals. You can see this an Abu Ghraib, and in what they’ve done at Gitmo.… Read more →
“Is there anything more dangerous than an ideologue who doesn’t know he’s wrong?”
So, one the people who I apparently should have known about before this year, but who I didn’t was Seymour Hersh. I’ve been reading all the articles of his that I can since he broke open the Abu Ghraib thing in Atlantic montly, and I intend to buy his new book at my next opportunity. If anything this almost curmudgeonly… Read more →
We suck less
I see three possible way to look at this: Canada in top 20! Canada 7 times less free than the eight freest countries Canada freest in North America We suck less than the US. Read more →
Saving Me Some Time
I’ll add this post just in case is any doubt about the ease with which a massive list of the Bush Administration’s problems could be prepared. Read more →
If I were an American high school student I would be in Gitmo by now
Look, I could spend a long time making a list of all the reasons why Bush has to go, but here’s today’s most spooky one: Students threatened with explusion for supporting Kerry. Read more →