Take down that scam, kids!

Remember last year when a bunch of SF writers got together to prove that PublishAmerica was a vanity publishing operation, not any kind of real publisher? (See more info here or here.) You might remember that I even bought a copy of the book they submitted–I really tried to read it, but it was so unendurably bad that I couldn’t… Read more →


Attn: Jackass who busted off my driver’s side mirror last night while I was shopping for DVDs. Subject: You’re a jackass OK, so you don’t know how to drive, and somehow managed to hit my car in the parking lot. Fine. I drove into a light pole once, I’m not going to mock you for that. However, you stop, and… Read more →

Music for Black Valentines

UPDATE: MP3 links have expired. There seems to be a lot of ‘unhappy love’ music circulating around the web today for some reason. For instance, you might want to check out the WilL YoU BE MinE? post at the Mashup Of The Week Podcast. Even better is Jamie S. Rich’s post today, which has a brilliant set of lyrics, and… Read more →

Black Valentines

When I was in my early twenties, I used to celebrate Valentine’s Day by sending out my annual “Black Valentines” messages to a select group of like-minded individuals. At the time, this was more about protesting too much. You know the story–I was single, and I hated the pressure of V-Day, so I would kick against it and act like… Read more →

Number 11

Source, via Number eleven, of course, is “bust a shell up in your face, yo”. Or, as WikiNews puts it: U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot a fellow hunter on Saturday during a bird hunting trip at a south Texas ranch. The victim, 78 year-old Harry Whittington, is an Austin lawyer who was accompanying the Vice President on a… Read more →

Krewe du Vieux

I follow the online journals of a lot of authors. One of them is Poppy Z. Brite, onetime wunderkind of the flash horror set, but lately the author of some really excellent New Orleans food porn novels. I really didn’t have much use for her early horror works, but both Liquor and Prime were excellent, both at portraying “the life”… Read more →

Hey, get a cool book for free

OK, short notice, I know, but I should point you guys at this: Martha Wells: One more reminder about the Free Book contest I’m giving away ten signed paperback copies of The Wizard Hunters, and the deadline for entry is February 15 (Wednesday). Right now there are 51 entries, so the chances aren’t bad. If you know of anybody who… Read more →

Congratulations Iron Doug!

I have just found out that my friend Iron Doug Hern was promoted to a Vice President position at Sybase last month. Through my various spies and sources I was able to read the information from the internal release about it. Here’s a little bit: Doug joined Sybase in April 1994 and previously held the position of Sr. Director of… Read more →

Tinfoil Hat Time

I see that a lot of people are getting a bit scared when looking at this. Me, I see nothing scary there (and I’m tinfoil-hat guy) except that clipboard item, and I don’t use IE, so that doesn’t apply to me. Of course, if you didn’t already know that all this information was available to servers you contact, you might… Read more →

Is there **ANYBODY** surprised by this?

Seriously. Anybody? Lewis “Scooter” Libby testified that leak was authorized – Wikinews According to federal prosecutors, Lewis “Scooter” Libby Jr., the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, told a grand jury that his superiors authorized him to disclose to reporters information from the U.S. National Intelligence Estimate. Portions of the report included still-classified information on Iraqi weapons… Read more →

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada
This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.