Some Bush-hatin’

So, look, I’ve been good about this, right? I’ve gone several weeks without a rant. It’s been a while since I went off on how bad the Bush administration is. I haven’t quoted DeLong‘s Theory that “The Bush administration is not only worse than you imagine even after taking account of the fact that it is worse than you imagine,… Read more →

Vaguely musical

OK, go here. How awesome is that? Alan Rickman reading you one of Shakespeare’s more famous sonnets? After seeing this on Cherie Priest’s LJ, I just went out Saturday and bought this CD. (I can do that, because Halifax has shops like The Madrigal). Man, there’s a lot of good stuff on there. Branagh, John Hurt, Joseph Fiennes, Diana Rigg,… Read more →

But I hate filk songs…

I don’t know why this ditty from the Cthulhu Hymnal cheers me up so, but it really does make me smile. (And I really do hate the idea of filk generally.) God Rest Ye Scary Great Old Ones God Rest Ye Scary Great Old Ones, Let everything dismay. Remember Great Cthulhu shall rise up from R’lyeh To kill us all… Read more →

January 1997: Life With Dave

As I promised Alex earlier, I have dug up the “Dave photos” of legend, and am posting them here with the accompanying story. The quality of the photos is not great–they were taken on a disposable camera and scanned on a crap scanner, but they’re enough to show the funny. So here’s a little bit of geek comedy from the… Read more →


Computer still mostly dead. Some recovery on Friday, but tonight–no keyboard. This will continue to affect blogging. However, I do want to note that this weekend brought us the first snow of the season–we went from “none” to “a foot” overnight. To put it another way, Friday morning there was no snow. Saturday morning it looked like this outside my… Read more →

Computer still dead…

So, Dell’s “Gold Enterprise Support” isn’t quite living up to it’s “service on site in 6 hours” contract. Apparently they lost my new motherboard in transit and had to dispatch a new one, or something. I am now hoping to have the machine working again by Thursday. I am experiencing some withdrawl symptoms, but fortunately I have access at least… Read more →

The glory that is my rice!

Chris’ Special Rice 4 cloves of garlic Quantity here can be varied to taste and/or tolerance for effects the next day. I have been known to use whole heads sometimes. Peel the clove and slice them thinly. 1 medium size red onion Doesn’t have to be red really, but the more ‘fragrant’ the better. Cut it into chunks bigger than… Read more →

Computer Dead…

My main working computer apparently died in the night. Well, actually let’s just say that it’s really sick, instead of dead, since I’m hoping to be able to save it with a motherboard transplant. This means I’m cut off from a lot of my tools & data, which could mean a shortage of posts until it is fixed (hopefully Tuesday),… Read more →

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This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.