Tag: canada


Wow, I hope this is accurate. I’m totally willing to trade for the chaos to get out from under.


I’m glad I wasn’t trying to drive home last week. Especially since my normal routing takes me through the Cobequid Pass at night. On the up side, I missed the normal post-snow power outage (which the girl apparently weathered with no trouble), which means I also skipped the several hours of impotent rage and ranting about privatization that usually accompanies that.

Still Processing The Election

What may end up disgusting me the most is actually the turnout number. Here’s some background from an article, “Voter turnout: democracy’s dirty little secret“, that ran during the campaign: In 1988, a healthy 75 per cent of the voters cast their ballots, but no turnout since then has come close to that level. — 1993: 70.9 per cent. —… Read more →

Oh, Canada

I am so disappointed in you. Especially you Ontario, and you B.C. I had steeled myself for 134 seats, but this… this is horrible. OK, it’s not quite as bad as a majority, but this is still terrible. And if this voter turnout thing is true–that the right-winger got out a lot more of their voters than the other people–well,… Read more →

Well, colour me shocked.

It turns out there’s a party running in our federal election who I am even more opposed to than the ReformConservatives. Yes, I just found out today about the Christian Heritage Party. Apparently they’ve been around since 1988, but they’ve never even showed up on my radar before. Since they’ve usually only run candidates in less than 1/6 of the… Read more →

Double Debate Night

So I chose to watch the Canadian federal debate live, and to record the Biden/Palin show for later. The Canadian debates were interesting, but didn’t really do anything to change my basic opinions. Actually, that’s not true–my respect for Duceppe went up another notch, but it doesn’t matter as long as he’s the head of a separatist party. And, if… Read more →

Some Lovely Canadian Music

While I was driving today, I took the opportunity to listen to Tom Barlow’s eponymous album. I’ve mentioned the album here a couple of time before, embedding the song Billion Dollar Rockets in a previous post, and also discussing How Low Can You Get and Married By Elvis in some other posts. So I did a little YouTube digging when… Read more →

Still more on evolution

I read the drepessing statistic today that only 58% of people across Canada will support the notion of evolution. Actually, it’s 58% more or less consistently across Canada, except in Alberta, our little bit of Jesusland here in the heart of Canada, where the number is 38%. (Note: it’s not an accident that our current minority government of Bush/Cheney style… Read more →

They love us, they really love us.

Apparently the insidious KentuckianYeah, I know all you Yanks do this, but I first heard of this foul scheme as being based out of Kentucky. plan of using false Canadian flags while abroad to smear the international reputation of my nation has not worked. Canada takes No. 1 spot in global image poll Canada came out best in a globe-spanning… Read more →

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada
This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.